Thursday, March 29, 2012

Govt vs Army chief row gets uglier, Antony promises strongest action

Times of India -
The row between the government and the army chief got nastier with defence minister AK Antony calling as "anti-national" leakage of VK Singh's letter to Prime Minister over gaps in the force's war-fighting capabilities and noting that an Intelligence ...
Comment :
"Strongest Action"  --Against  whom ?
The 'leak'of a  GOVT. SECRECY   is a CRIME ! - O.K !
But  the  hiding   of  the  FACTS  of  DEFICIENCY of NATIONAL  IMPORTANCE ( Particularly of National DEFENCE )[without  REPAIR ,REPLCEMENT & RE-FORM ]   is a  HUGE " NATIONAL  CRIME" against the   PEOPLE  of the Nation.
In this  case , I think, some one  might  have played  the  role of a 'WHISTLE - BLOWER " !
There is time to  'ree-think'  and INTROSPECT .

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